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>> Engineering and Technical Services
>> Pipeline Detection and Inspection
Pipeline Detection and Inspection
Based on rich experience in fields such as oil and gas field gathering and transmission pipeline, long-distance pipeline, city gas pipeline, underground pipeline and oil tank inspection and supported by professional detection team and detection equipment, true and reliable testing data can be provided to the users, and accuracy and reliability of safety evaluation is also improved. The following services are mainly included.
Pipeline environment survey: environment investigation; pipe network detection and survey; analysis of soil physical and chemical properties; measurement of stray current in soils; soil resistivity testing.
External anticorrosive coating inspection and evaluation: external anticorrosive coating testing without and with excavation; quantitative testing of insulation resistance value; accurate positioning for damages; damage degree classification and distribution testing; quality evaluation.
Pipe corrosion testing: testing of outer pipe wall corrosion; wall thickness testing; corrosion type of inner and outer wall and corrosion product analysis; corrosion rate testing
Pipe cathodic protection status testing: standard pipe-to-soil potential testing; parameter (Von, Voff) testing of cathodic protection system; stray and interference current potential testing; distribution and evaluation of impressed current and sacrificial anode and cathodic protection potential; effectiveness evaluation of cathodic protection system.
Pipe non-destructive testing: non-destructive flaw detection of welding cracks; ray non-destructive testing; ultrasonic non-destructive testing; magnetic particle and penetrant non-destructive testing; inner corrosion damage detection and evaluation
Pipe safety assessment: material physical and chemical properties testing; pipe failure analysis; remaining life and remaining strength evaluation of pipe; pipe detection technology consultation service
Applicable standards:
API 579 Fitness-for-Service Evaluation
GB 50251 Code for design of gas transmission pipeline engineering
GB 50028Code for design of city gas engineering
GB 50494 Code for design of city gas engineering
GB/T 21447 Specification for external corrosion control for steel pipeline
GB/T 27512 Risk assessment method for buried steel pipeline
GB/T 23257 Polyethylene coating for buried steel pipeline
GB/T 50811 Standard for the operation safety assessment of gas system
GB/T 21246 Measurement method for cathodic protection parameters of buried steel pipelines
GB/T 21448 Specification of cathodic protection for underground steel pipeline
SY 6186 Safety specification for crude oil & natural gas pipelines
SY 0087 Standard of steel pipeline and tank corrosion assessment
SY/T 0017 Standard of D.C. drainage protection for buried steel pipelines
SY/T 0032 Standard of A.C. drainage protection for buried steel pipelines
SY/T 6477 The evaluation method of remaining strength of the oil & gas transmission pipeline with the damage – Part 1: The volumetric type damage