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Inspection and Test Center

Inspection and Test Center has lots of domestic and foreign certification and excellent quality system, which offers physical and chemical test, corrosion test, coating inspection, wearing test, erosion testing services. Now MaurerLab has established online and offline inspection and test platform to provide users with fast, convenient commission and inquiry channel. MaurerLab will invest in intelligent power management, data processing, intelligent experience, to provide users with satisfactory service on inspection test.

Metal Materials, Mechanical Testing


Intergranular Corrosion

Copyright@2014-2017 Xi'an Maurer Petroleum Engineering Laboratory Co., Ltd .All rights reserved.
Address:13F,BlockB,HuiXin IBC,No.1,Zhangba 1st Road,Xi'an City,Shaanxi Province ,China.
Tel:029-88270173 88252276 4001192112       Fax:029-88247176
Technical support:Dayi Science and technology      陕ICP备07501190号-1      Access number:415903